6 Tips for Creating Content for your Business Online

Creating meaningful content for your business online can be tricky and the mere thought of it can often be quite daunting.

Many small business owners are so overwhelmed by the thought of writing and being creative online that they often just don’t do it. And that’s a shame, because if you know your business and you know yourself, then spoiler alert…..you’ve got loads to say!

The more authentic you are, the easier it is to create content. And if you know your ideal client, that makes it super easier! Trust me it does.

I bet, if I asked you about your business, this business that you love, you’d be able to talk for ages. And if I was your ideal client, the person you’d love to work with, I bet there’d be no stopping you. I’m right, right?

The truth is, so many business owners put on a professional corporate hat when they’re trying to create content. They step outside of who they are and this is when writers’ block takes over. You just don’t know what to say. So, here are my 6 tips to help you create content for your business online.

#1 Plan your Content

There’s nothing better than planning, for anything! Trying to think off the top of your head what to write is a pain and it’s more likely that you’ll just move on to something else and avoid it. So setting aside time to plan your content will help you enormously. If you plan well, you could easily get away with doing this just once a month.

#2 Get Writing Blogs

Listen to the people around you and your clients. What questions are they asking you? Because if your client is asking, you can bet there are thousands of other people asking the same question, and Googling for answers. Be one of the people who gives an answer. All you need to do is scribble down the answer as you would speak an answer to someone.

#3 Share Your Experiences

Whoever is following you or engaging with you online wants to know you. They want to be able to relate to your experiences, because it gives comfort that a) they are not alone and b) their problems are surmountable. In other words, YOU are content!

#4 Be Smart with Content

Once you’ve written a good healthy blog, you’ve now created the content for your social media platforms. So go ahead and pick out interesting points and publish them on your social media platforms. Remember, everyone isn’t following you everywhere, so what they might miss on a blog, they may pick up on your social media, and vice versa. So spread it around.

#5 Repurpose your Content

Don’t forget, everyone isn’t online all the time. So again, what they might miss one day, they can pick up another day because you’ve been smart with your content in placing the same or similar content in more than one place.

#6 Be Authentic in your Business

Stay true to yourself. Be authentic. Because when you’re being you, honest and without the bells and whistles your life is so much easier, and it makes it easier to say what you have to say. This is what helps you to get into your flow.


I feel your pain I really do when it comes to stuff like this. It’s not just writers who stare at empty pages with ‘writers block’.

When I started out, the thought of writing a blog terrified me. Actually if I’m honest, I didn’t properly know what blogs were until I started created them myself. I didn’t realise when I Googled something, that the answer I was reading was usually someone’s blog post. I had no idea.

I also did that thing of putting on the professional hat and trying to sound impressive. But that didn’t work. Once I relaxed into being myself it became easier, and now when I write blogs, I write as though I’m talking directly to people in my community, my ideal clients. This takes the pressure of ‘writing’ out of the equation.

So don’t be afraid. Listen. Answer. Write. Publish.

If you haven’t already joined the Facebook Community for photographers who are serious about kickstarting their business, JOIN HERE. We’d love to have you!

Until next time, gracefully yours!

Dee xx


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