Dee Airey Dee Airey

Online Visibility Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

In these digital times and in busy online spaces, photographers must not only excel at their craft but also get to grips with the art of online marketing. Your digital footprint can significantly impact your business's success. Here, we dissect common online visibility mistakes photographers make and give you actionable solutions on how to avoid them.

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

How to find your next photography booking: Turning Ghosts into Clients

How to find your next photography client: t’s important to remember that the path to purchasing isn’t always a straight line. Life happens. Your potential clients might get busy, distracted, or even overwhelmed. Especially if they’re getting married and scouting multiple wedding suppliers and photographers. Consumer studies show that people need to encounter a product or service multiple times (sometimes 10-20 times!) before they feel ready to commit. Keep this in mind, and don’t take it personally when someone ghosts.

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

Starting a Wedding Photography Business?

As a wedding photographer and business coach, I can attest to the fact that wedding photography is one of the most rewarding and profitable niches in the world of photography. The joy of capturing a couple’s most precious moments, combined with the business side of the craft, makes it a unique and fulfilling profession. In this blog, I aim to share the beauty of becoming a wedding photographer and what you can expect from this thrilling journey. If you’re reading this and you’re passionate about photography and eager to dive deeper, I'll also introduce you to my course at the end. Let's embark on this journey together.

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

How to Deliver Photos to your Clients

Sending your clients their photos by email or or other file sharing method is not your best way to deliver your after sales service, and this is a mistake I see photographers make time and time again.

Here are two reasons why it’s not the best way…

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

10 Tips to Improving your Mindset in your Photography Business


Starting a photography business requires more than just technical skills and a good camera. It also demands a strong mindset to navigate challenges, build relationships, and create a successful venture. In this blog post, I want to explore with you 10 mindset tips that can help you kickstart your photography business and thrive in the ever-evolving world of photography with a mindset for growth.

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

Starting a Photography Business in your 40s


Starting a photography business from scratch in your 40s is an exhilarating adventure. While it might seem daunting at first, with the right mindset, determination, and a willingness to learn, you can turn your passion for photography into a thriving business. In this blog post, we'll explore the key steps to help you navigate this exciting journey.

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

10 Steps to Starting a Photography Business

Are you thinking of starting up a photography business, may be turning your long term hobby into something you love that can earn you money?

1 Get into the right mindset to start a business

2 Figure out your Niche

3 Identify your Ideal Client

4 Get the appropriate Photography Kit & Equipment

5 Start your Portfolio

6 Start your Brand Identity

7 Identify the Tech Needed

8 Build your Online Presence

9 Market and Attract your Ideal Client

10 Keep up your Learning

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

7 Ways to get More Traffic to your Website

We’re all under pressure to have websites for our creative businesses and thank goodness it’s so much easier these days. Websites are the shop windows into our businesses, they tell everyone that we are a bona fide business and that we’re here to serve. Our websites showcase exactly what do and who we do it for.

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

3 Tips on Creating Content for your Business

Mastering a way to save time when creating and getting content out there is a complete game changer in your business. Many people ask me how I manage to stay on top of it all with my businesses, and how do I cope with spending so much time on social media. The truth is, I don’t spent too much time on it at all. I create in batches, I post with a scheduler and I repurpose.

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

How your mindset can help grow your photography business

Believe it or not, your mindset is a crucial part of your business growth and success. Your mindset is about how and what you think, how and what you perceive, and how you respond to things. This means therefore, that your mindset can make or break your business.

Having a mindset for growth can help your photography business enormously, move towards the successful business you’ve been dreaming of.

So how can your mindset help you grow your business?

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

6 Ways to avoid being Triggered on Social Media

While you might be feeling vulnerable in the early stages of your photography business, it’s easy to be triggered by another person’s posts, and you need take action to avoid being triggered.

It’s important to acknowledge your triggers and be mindful of the emotions that are stirred up in you. For example


Inferiority complex



Feeling left out

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

5 Reasons Your Mindset Might be Holding You Back

Did you know that your mindset dictates the outcome of almost everything in your life? This is your personal life, your business life, your relationships, your everything. It’s astounding how much your mindset affects everything.

  1. Be Positive

  2. Practice Gratitude

  3. Be Kind and Less Judgemental

  4. Stop Fearing Failure

  5. Stop Fearing Change….

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

4 Reasons to Start Doing What You Love

It’s a crying shame that so many adults go about their daily routines doing what they don’t love. How many people can there be who fall out of bed every morning reluctantly, grab a few mouthfuls of ‘wake-me-up’ coffee and join the masses going to work to have yet another unfulfilled day?

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

6 Tips for Creating Content for your Business Online

6 Tips for Creating Content for your Business Online….

1 Plan your Content

2 Write Blogs

3 Share your Experiences

4 Be Smart with Content - Spread it around

5 Repurpose

6 Be Authentic

Many small business owners are so overwhelmed by the thought of writing and being creative online that they often just don’t do it. And that’s a shame, because if you know your business and you know yourself, then spoiler alert…’ve got loads to say!

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

Using Your Personal Facebook Account for Your Business

Never ever ever use your personal Facebook Account for business. They will find you. They will punish you, and they will shut you down. They may even go as far as deleting your account.

But there are smart ways to use your personal account to help your business….

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Dee Airey Dee Airey

Why I Love Miley Cyrus

Why I’m Inspired by Miley Cyrus

The Climb mega lyrics opened my eyes and ears to a lot of things. These days people are so consumed by keeping their eyes on the prize, and they want to get it now! So much so, that they’re not prepared to do the work and ride the challenging waves of the journey. The journey (or the climb) is where the magic happens, it’s where we learn and it’s where we grow. Why on earth would you want to miss that? Because of this instant gratification attitude, it’s why so many people give up quickly.

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