Join the Challenge and Boost & Build Confidence

I know lack of confidence is more than likely holding you back from kickstarting and growing your photography business? Are you…

  1. Delaying things? Do you find yourself constantly putting off doing the things that are most important (and challenging) in your business, in favour of simpler tasks.

  2. Making Excuses? Are you coming up with excuses that you don’t even believe yourself as to why you’re not moving your business forward.

  3. Money Issues? Are you struggling to price for your work. The fear of charging is terrifying!

  4. Not Being Visible? Are you avoiding showing up for your audience on social media for fear of what people might think of you?

The list is endless.

If you can relate to any of these crises of confidence, join me on my


Starting Sunday 10th April at 5.30pm (UK time).

Each week for 5 weeks, I’ll connect with you live in the Facebook Group (JOIN HERE if you haven’t already), and set you tasks to go off and do to help boost and build your confidence. Rest assured, this isn’t pressurised to make you feel even less confident, this is a gentle shift in the right direction to get you feeling recalibrated to go at your photography business confidently.

Join me on the challenge, what’s to lose?

You can have more energy, more clarity, be more confident and your business choices and decisions will stand more chance of success.  Because the person driving your business dream, won’t be distracted or hindered or held back by niggles of lack of confidence.

So get your pen and paper ready to join me on the Challenge in the Facebook Group, and scribble down your tasks to help you get the best out of your journey, and kickstart and grow your photography business.

JOIN FACEBOOK GROUP HERE if you haven’t already. There’s so much waiting for you on the inside!

See you soon! Dee x


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