Is Lack of Confidence holding you back in your Business?

I’m still feeling hopeful; feeling positive about the photography industry.  We have to get through this right?  Everything is temporary and this tunnel we’re in, does have an end.

However long the tunnel, there’s no reason for us to not work on ourselves and our businesses. Taking stock, reflecting, recalibrating. That’s what so many people and businesses are doing.  I for one am right in that place.

I want to talk about being self conscious and lack of confidence.  And more importantly I want to talk about being less self conscious and more confident.  

These are two antagonists in our lives that can disrupt our function within our businesses, or disrupt our journey to setting up successfully, especially in these times.

I know I’ve suffered with this.  Not suffered, that’s too strong a negative word. I’m gonna say these two things have influenced the decisions I’ve made; and it’s hindered my progress for sure.

But I’m glad I’ve had amazing people around me, unlikely people in fact, who have helped me catch these two pesky beasts, (my lack of confidence and my heightened self consciousness), catch them in a net and chuck ‘em.

Sometimes they creep up on me, but I’ve learned how to talk them down and stay true to myself.

I’ve learned how to mentally shrug. A big fat mental shrug.  This is when we look at our sabotaging mind and shrug it off. Because we know what it’s telling us isn’t true.

Carrying Emotional Baggage

There’s so much underlying emotional baggage we carry that can pop up in disguise and harm our business dream and it’s progress, without you even knowing it. Not to mention the other choices we make in our lives that fall prey to whatever issues we have beneath the surface.

Trust me when I tell you: you have more energy, more clarity, you’re more confident and you’re less self-conscious if you’ve dealt with the emotional baggage you carry.

What are the signs of lack of confidence

  1. Delaying things

  2. Difficulty speaking

  3. Continually apologising

  4. Making excuses

  5. Money issues - you don’t like to talk about it or ask for it

  6. Not being visible

  7. Fearful of rocking the boat with others

How do we become MORE confident? 

  1. Visualize yourself as you want to be.

  2. Daily affirmations

  3. Do one thing out of your comfort zone every day; challenge yourself.

  4. Question your inner circle, how does it serve you?

  5. Set yourself up to win.

  6. Help someone less confident than you

  7. Care for yourself.

  8. Practice mental shrugging

  9. You don’t have to agree with your voices

  10. Trust your deepest inner voices

What are the signs of self-consciousness?

  1. Hiding away

  2. Not accepting of yourself (mentally, physically)

  3. Projecting on to others

  4. You follow and go with the flow

  5. You decide what people are thinking about you, and react TO THAT

How do we become LESS self-conscious?

  1. You scrutinise yourself heavily, so it’s time to tell yourself that people really don’t notice the things you notice about yourself

  2. Any thought that’s negative, you don’t have to agree. Don’t fight with it, but just don’t agree

  3. Mental shrugging, learn to mentally shrug. What have you got to lose?

  4. Write down all the things you’re missing out on from being self-conscious, e.g. talking to great and inspiring people, getting your business out there,

  5. Affirmations: (eg. I am at peace with myself, or I appreciate who I am)

  6. If you think people are looking at your qualities: the truth is people can’t see what you’re feeling.

How you can feel when you’re More Confident and Less Self Conscious

AGAIN.  You CAN have more energy, more clarity, be more confident and less self-conscious if you identify these areas of your life.  

Your business choices and decisions will stand more chance of success.  Because the person driving your business dream, won’t be distracted or hindered or held back by niggles.

Please please please work on that, not for me but for you.

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Dee xx


Managing Stress While Running a Small Business


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