You’re Right Where You’re Supposed to Be! Miley Cyrus says so…


I always say I love Miley Cyrus.  Not because of her twerking (are we still talking about that?).  For such a young heart, she has the most inspiring and though provoking lyrics.

Have you heard her new single Flowers? Everyone’s talking about it. Everyone’s listening to it.  It’s a real head turning girl power anthem. Well. While everyone’s listening to that, I’m busy listening and soaking up the cool vides of her album track called ‘Island’….catch it here on Spotify.

It’s flipping amazing!  It really is.

Here’s the chorus

Am I stranded on an Island. Or have I landed in paradise

This aligns with us in our businesses more than you know.  This tune has completely stopped me in my tracks.

Ok stay with me.

You know what it’s like starting up your photography business right?  You’re getting everything in place,  you’re self conscious and you gingerly start putting yourself out there.

You feel like you’re naked out in public right?  People are looking thinking what the…..?!

In that vulnerable state, you can feel so alone; and I hear it all the time how friends and family aren’t that supportive. They’re not hitting the like button.  They’re not sharing my business. They’re just not there for me, and when they are, they want freebies.

You know that feeling??  You feel like a complete joke and you’re all alone because the people you thought were with you, seem to have disappeared.

So are you stranded on an island?

Or, just maybe….You’ve landed in paradise.

You see here’s the thing.  We are all travelling through life’s journey and for you right now, it’s starting and growing your photography business.  

The harsh reality is…….not everyone can come on that journey with you. Not everyone even understands the journey you’re on. We all generally live in a bubble with likeminded people made up of our friends and our families.  And we value these people most.  

But when YOU decide to go after something new, your business dream, it often means that YOU jump off the safety net of that bubble.  YOU’RE transitioning.  And that might mean that certain people fall away from you.  They fall away from YOU moving along…..they’re not necessarily actively stepping away from you.  YOU are causing the ripple effect.

And as the song says……… “or have I landed in paradise?”.  In other words, am I right where I’m supposed to be?

When you go towards your dream, the closer you get to it, it’s often scary because you’re essentially doing this alone. YOU are calling the shots and YOU are making all the decisions… yourself.

And even though you’re going in the right direction, towards your purpose, you might just feel like you’re stranded on an island, when in fact you’ve landed in paradise.

Go listen to the song. It’s beautiful.  It describes scary changes that happen.

Again. Go Miley. Keep giving us your inspiring lyrics!

I hope this, and other, blog posts are helping you. Don’t forget to pick up my podcast if you want to hear more. Available here on the website, or Spotify/Apple.

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Dee xx


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