Series 6 Episode 4: How to Craft Offers & Packages

Creating appealing photography packages isn't just about putting together a list of services; it's about understanding your clients. Every client comes with a unique set of needs, expectations, and budgets. 

The goal here for you is to design packages that not only meet these needs but also exceed them. People part with money generally because they think they’re getting more than they paid for.  They’re looking for value.


If you want to elevate your business and take it to the next level, check out my no frills straight to the point training courses and coaching for wedding and portrait photographers:

ClickStart 4 Membership for a wealth of resources tailored to your photography journey. 

7 Steps to Walking Down the Aisle Online Course

One-2-One Coaching if you're ready to go all out, invest in your business and start seeing results.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, you’ll find tools, tips, and guidance to help you succeed.

These trainings are designed to help you get results and grow your business towards success.

If you want to be a guest on this podcast, be in touch, I'd love to hear from you. Visit:

Until next time. Dee xx


Series 6 Episode 5 - Mastering the Art of Sales Conversations


Series 6 Episode 3: Identifying & Profiling Your Ideal Client